Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Say anything, but say what you mean...

I'm very excited about this! I can't promise I'll have anything worthwhile to say, but I'll try. Blogging seems very exciting and nerdy and I'm allll about exciting nerdy things. :) I'm going to try to use song lyrics and stuff for all of my titles etc. That will make me happy. Well I'm going to attempt to try to figure out the details of this thing...
Coming soon: Thoughts on Sweden accompanied by pictures and videos.

1 comment:

Jonathan Dodd said...

Jme, I'm stoked about being the first person to comment on your blog. I think everyone's afraid they don't have much important to say (I never do) but blogging is all about conversations (as odd as that might initially sound) that further ideas and hopefully, truth. I'm glad you've decided to add your thoughts and voice to the world wide conversation.