Thursday, April 3, 2008

Even If You Saw It Yourself, You Wouldn't Believe It

Oh my goodness! I can't believe I haven't blogged since November!! Wow. Time is going sooo fast. After the show is over (1 week from now is opening night!! Ah!!), I'm going to attempt to keep up with my blogging again. *cross fingers* For now, here are some random thoughts...

*Here's what I've been keeping busy with:
- AP Lit: reading 1984, W.B. Yeats poem explication
- Anne of Green Gables rehearsal til 8 pm or so every night
- Learning how to act drunk for AGG
- Listening to new music, now that my hard drive is working again (I'm especially enjoying Copeland at the moment.)
- Yearbook
- Other misc. homework
- Taxes (not cool)
- Barista-ing (although I'm off for 2 weeks b/c of the show)
-Dyeing my hair (I'm pretty sure it's becoming a hobby.): At the moment it's really dark brown for the show. I'm dyeing it red again as soon as it's over though.
- Eating lots of chocolate

*I thought I'd share a few of the haikus (is that right? as in haiku as a plural?) I wrote for Mr. Stark's AP Lit. class. They're inspired by Japanese death poetry. Exotic, huh? Basically that means they are short, slightly ambiguous, metaphors for death.

Here are some of mine:

An empty swing rocks gently
in the cool autumn wind.

A crash of thunder and
all goes dark.

A polished stone skips across
the water's surface. Sinking.

A soft crunch of fallen leaves.
Man continues on his way.

If you're interested at all, I'm happy to share the meanings behind them. Just ask!

*Someone needs to help me swankify my blog...

*Well I'm off to read more of 1984 and get some rest for a 6 hour rehearsal tomorrow (and breakfast with the cast at 10 am--no school tomorrow!)


Jonathan Dodd said...

The best way to swankify your blog might be to switch to Wordpress. Or you should definitely add a photo feed. Do you use Flickr or only Picasa?

In a perfect world, what would you like to do?

NattaScatta said...

yah! you're back! i missed your blogging self.

Jamie said...

What would I like to do? Huh?