Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It's Been One Week...

...One really terrible week. Which is very sad because this has been one of the best summers EVER. I've had so much fun. I guess I needed a bad week to keep me in check. The main events of the week: everyone left or is leaving, RGar's car, Eric's mom, my illness, etc. Tomorrow {day} will probably be really hard because of the funeral. *sigh* RGar and I decided that tomorrow night is going to be the start of a new wonderful week.

I'm kind of excited for school. I'm just ready to do something. Hopefully I'll be really busy this year. I'm excited for the fun stuff too (esp. with RGar! :)). I just finished my summer reading/journals. I absolutely loved King Lear. It was so amazing. I think it was my favorite of the summer followed by Mayor of Casterbridge, then Lord of the Flies.

I'm been trying to think of some goals for this year. Here's what I have so far:
1. To read as much as possible.
2. To continue watching movies.
3. I want to start writing letters. I think letters are wonderful. They're so personal and something you can keep forever. I'm going to try and write to a few people at least once a month. I'm just going to write about things I'm thinking about. Kind of like blogging. Or notes of encouragement. I'm not sure what it'll look like exactly. We shall find out. Anyone else want to join me in this endeavor?
4. Get a job.
5. Get my license.
6. To continue keeping a journal {not just a blog}.
7. I desperately need to spend more time in prayer. It's something that I toss so easily to the side. I'm very consistent with my Bible reading, but I fall so short on the prayer side. I need to start praying on the bus and in the shower like I did last year. Accountability needed!

Well that's all I can think of right now and 7 is completion anyway. I'll probably add more later. I really should go to bed. I have to get up for school tomorrow. =/ I have so much more to say but I'm too tired to formulate it into coherent thoughts. So I'm off for now... and I'll finish my summer analysis/thoughts/memories etc. later. Night!


The Happy Nomads said...

I think your list of goals is excellent. It's always good to have goals, and I think yours are great ones. I would like to join you in your letter writing endeavor. I'm not quite sure whom I shall write to, but I'll think of someone. Letters are wonderful things, you're right.

The Happy Nomads said...

And I do agree it's been one of the best summers ever. It's cause we've been together the whole time. Which is a very happy thing. :)

NattaScatta said...

#3 is one of my goals right now, too!